Your privacy is important to KIVERLY LTD and its affiliates (“KIVERLY”, “us”,

“our” or “we”). KIVERLY is committed to protecting the privacy and security of

your personal information.

The purpose of this Applicant and Candidate Privacy Notice (“Notice”) is to set out how we collect, use, store, or otherwise process personal information about job applicants and/or candidates (collectively, “you”, “your”). KIVERLY may update this Notice at any time. Where we can, we will notify you of substantial changes to the Notice.

The Data Controller for data protection purposes is the relevant KIVERLY entity based on the country of the role for which you are applying. The details of the relevant entities are provided below. We may share your personal information within different KIVERLY entities, and this Notice applies to any KIVERLY entity processing your personal data as a data controller.

This Notice does not imply in any way any contract of employment or contract for services or any other relationship between you and KIVERLY.

It is important that you read this Notice so that you are aware of how and why we use your personal data.

Collection and Use of Your Personal Data

Personal data means any information relating to you that identifies you or could reasonably be used to identify you, and that is recorded in any form. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

There are categories of personal data that are “more sensitive” and require a higher level of protection. We do not routinely collect, store, or use any special categories of personal data as part of our recruitment activities.

Personal information about you that we may use, store, or otherwise process includes your name (in English and native languages), country of residence, education, contact details (telephone numbers and personal email addresses), current job title and employer, preferences, professional social media profiles such as LinkedIn, any websites or blogs you own or have contributed to, any attachments (such as CV, cover letter), any photographs of you contained in your CV.

KIVERLY, as Data Controller, collects, processes, and uses the personal data you

submit through the following channels: KIVERLY Careers website, Job Boards,

LinkedIn, recruitment agencies/search firms and Careers Fairs, for the purposes

of processing your application as further described below.

Additionally, we may collect and process your personal data from the following publicly available sources, provided collection of the data is necessary and relevant to the performance of the job which you apply for and provided we are allowed to do so by national laws (“direct search”): LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram and other social media platforms, Google.

Data protection principles

We will comply with data protection law and principles, which means that your data will be: